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Home / Membership / Information & Fees

Information & Fees

Winsford Flash is a member's sailing club. There are different types of membership depending on your age and activities. Family memberships are a cost effective way to get the whole family involved and on the water!

Joining WFSC is simple, just click the link labelled Join in the top right hand side of any page on the site, or click here to Join Us Now!

NOTE: All Membership Fees are applicable for a calendar year and are renewed every January.

Full Membership

Aged 20 and over has the full use of all the Club facilities with automatic entry to compete in Club dinghy racing events and race series.

  • £133 from January to December
  • £80 joining in July and August
  • £ if joining in September and October

Family Membership

Either husband and wife or partner or husband and/or wife or partner and one or more children (aged 19 or less) has the full use of all the Club facilities and can enter to compete in Club dinghy racing events and race series. Any junior family member is eligible to join the Junior

Section for an additional fee.

  • £162 from January to December
  • £97.50 if joining in July and August
  • £ if joining in September and October

Any junior family member is eligible to join the Junior Section for an additional fee

  • £25 per Junior

Junior Section

Person who, on 1st January in the current year, is aged 19 or younger, has the full use of all the Club facilities and can enter to compete in Club dinghy racing events and race series. A junior who joins as a Junior Member is automatically part of the Junior Section.

  • £75 from January to December
  • £45 if joining in July and August
  • £ if joining in September and October

Recreational Membership

Aged 20 and over has the full use of all the Club facilities and shall have

the rights to use their water-craft on the water, but will not be eligible to compete in any Club dinghy races.

  • £90 from January to December
  • £ 54 if joining in July and August
  • £ if joining in September and October

Social Membership

Aged 20 and over, shall have the full use of all the Club facilities, but shall not have a water-craft at the Club nor be able to sail or crew.

  • £55 from January to December
  • £33 if joining in July and August
  • £ if joining in September and October

Outport Membership

Ex-Members and can no longer enjoy the full facilities of the Club who still wish to retain membership of the Club.

  • £29 from January to December

Temporary Membership

Adult wishing to take part in a water-based activity or using Club facilities. For each month of membership or part thereof a membership fee of one fifth of the appropriate Membership type.

  • £20 for 4 week period

Entrance Fee

One off fee

  • £21 for Full, Family, Recreational and Social Memberships

NOTE: The fee for new Members joining in either November or December is free, plus a one-off Entrance Fee.

If you want to know more, come on down! There are usually people at the club on Wednesday evenings, Sundays and most Saturdays.

Working Party Levies

Fees and subscriptions are comparatively low at Winsford, partly because we do a lot of the construction work and maintenance at the club ourselves. Five working parties are held annually, two in the spring, one in the summer, and two in the autumn. All members are encouraged to help in maintaining and improving the club premises. Free meals and refreshments are usually provided.

Some members prefer to pay a Working Party Levy instead of attending; this goes towards paying for materials and specialists to do the work we cannot do ourselves. It applies to one member of a family group or an individual member (over 21 and under 65) and is payable with the following years subscriptions. The full levy is £80, attendance at one working party in a year reduces this to £40 and attendance at two cancels it completely. Any member who has joined after the spring working parties only has to attend one working party to qualify for full levy relief.


Last updated 12:14 on 17 July 2024

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