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Home / RC Racing / WFSC Model Radio Control (RC) Group
Home / RC Racing / WFSC Model Radio Control (RC) Group

WFSC Model Radio Control (RC) Group

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The RC Group is an exciting new initiative at WFSC to encourage radio control (RC) model boating as an all-year-round activity. In particular the racing of Dragon Force 65* (DF65) one design model yachts.

The RC Group now supports a fleet of eight of these model boats and meets regularly on Wednesday afternoons between 2.00 & 4.00 pm.

Racing takes the form of two sets of four back to back races around a short course with a break for refreshment in between. Each race lasts around 8 minutes with the whole event taking place within the allocated 2-hour time slot. There are four racing series (Spring , Summer, Autumn and Winter) held throughout the year with each series comprising 12 events.

Several other Sailing Clubs locally sponsor DF65 model yacht racing (over 1,700 DF65 now registered in UK) and it is hoped to hold combined events. The Model Yacht Association (MYA) is the governing body for model yacht racing which provides its members with insurance and is supported by the RYA for racing.

The RC Group is intended to embrace most forms of RC model boat activity and is in possession of a small rowboat (with electric outboard auxiliary) to aid launch recovery and setting of buoys. For safety all radio control/ observation activity takes place from the shore with the jetties only accessed to aid launch and recovery (lifejackets to be worn on jetties).

For those interested in joining the RC Group or wishing advice on the purchase and fitting out of the DF65 model yachts please contact Malcolm Friar, Pete Coop or Colin Cumming.

( *Note - the initial cost outlay for one of these model yachts is around £275.00 including RC Tx & Rx, spare battery etc. The yachts take about 2 hours to assemble and help can be obtained from the more experienced members of the RC Group.)

Last updated 12:14 on 17 July 2024

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